Mental Health and Chiropractic
Our overall health depends on the integrity of our physical health (body), chemical health (diet or drugs), and emotional health (thoughts). If there is an issue or problem in any of these aspects of health, mental health WILL be affected in some form or another. At Restoration Chiropractic, my top priority is your health, and I do not take that lightly. If you are suffering with mental health issues:
We must find the root of the concern. This is a team effort between both of us. I cannot fully help you without all of the details. So WE must find the root of the problem together. Perhaps you have been living with chronic pain for years, and it has taken a toll on your mental health, and now depression has crept into your life. Or maybe a significant trauma occurred while you were a child that has stayed hidden. When mental health is in jeopardy, a chiropractic assessment and exam is in order.
The root cause must be taken care of. As humans, we deal with stress everyday. When our bodies have reached their limit, that is when subluxations are formed. Reaching above our stress limit might appear as mental health concerns, so it is very important to understand and find the root cause to any mental health concerns.​
My approach to health is to take care of the nervous system. If your nervous system is healthy, you will have a healthy mind.